Third case study shows that 5G cause the microwave syndrome

Published 20 June 2023
- By Radiation Protection

A new Swedish case study shows that a 5G base station home at a distance of 60 meters caused very high radiation and symptoms typical of the microwave syndrome. Previously, two studies published in 2023 also showed that 5G causes microwave syndrome in a short period of time.

The new study was published on 10 April 2023 in Annals of Clinical and Medical Case Reports with the title “A 52-Year Healthy Woman Developed Severe Microwave Syndrome Shortly After Installation of a 5G Base Station Close to Her Apartment”.

Oncologist and researcher Dr Lennart Hardell from the Swedish Research Foundation for Environment and Cancer and Mona Nilsson from the Swedish Radiation Protection Foundation conducted this third case study, as well as the two previous ones, on the health effects of exposure to real 5G radiation. Lennart Hardell has been conducting epidemiological research since the 1970s, primarily on the health risks of various environmental toxins. He was the first in the world to publish results on elevated cancer risks with mobile phone use and is a leading researcher in the field. Hardell was one of 30 experts who in 2011 assessed the cancer risks of radio frequency microwave radiation from mobile phones, when this form of radiation was classified as “possibly carcinogenic”, Group 2B by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC).

No previous research on the health effects of 5G

5G has been deployed during the last three years without any previous research examining the possible health effects of commonly occurring exposure to 5G, or so-called “worst case scenarios”, i.e. for those cases where people may be exposed to levels close to those allowed by regulatory reference values. In particular, there are no studies showing that 5G is not harmful to human health or the environment. However, many scientists and doctors have warned early on about serious health consequences of the deployment of 5G, including in the 5G Appeal, as of today signed by 430 scientists and doctors.

This total lack of available health impact studies has been a driving factor behind the studies now being conducted in Sweden. Amazingly, they appear to be the first in the world on the health effects of exposure to microwave radiation from 5G base stations.

Earlier in autumn 2022, the first animal study of the effects of radiation from the 5G frequency 3.5 GHz was published. The signal was GSM-modulated, therefore not entirely corresponding to real 5G. Despite exposure significantly lower than those recommended by ICNIRP, the WHO and the EU, and on par with those measured in these three case studies, serious effects on the brain were observed that could ultimately lead to degenerative diseases, according to the researchers.

The new study

The new study examined the radiation from a 5G base station placed at a distance of 60 meters from an apartment where a 52-year-old woman and her dog live. The base station is located on the roof of a 3-storey building and the antennas are directed towards the woman’s 2nd floor apartment and balcony. Very high levels of microwave radiation from the 5G antennas were measured on the balcony, over 2 500 000 μW/m2 (microwatts per square meter) in maximum value, which is equal to the maximum value that the meter used can measure. Thus, the levels on the balcony 60 meters from the 5G antennas are likely to be even higher in reality.

Inside the home, more than 758,000 μW/m2 in peak value was measured near the window facing the 5G base station. In the living room sofa, 222,000 μW/m2 was measured. Significantly lower levels were measured in the kitchen and in the bedroom. These two rooms face the other side of the property where no 5G or 4G base stations were within sight. The measurements were repeated at each location 10-20 times for 1 minute, using the Safe & Sound Pro II meter.

The drawing below shows the location of the base station (A) in relation to the home (B).

Symptoms of the microwave syndrome

The 5G equipment was installed on November 25, 2022. Previously, 4G and 3G equipment was located in the same place, but it was only after switching to 5G that the woman in the apartment 60 meters away experienced severe health problems typical of exposure to elevated microwave radiation. However, the woman had only lived in the apartment for less than two months.

After 25 November, the woman began to suffer from the following symptoms: headaches, dizziness, balance and concentration problems, nausea, memory loss, confusion, fatigue, worry/anxiety, pressure over the chest, cough, nosebleeds, skin problems, lung problems, high and irregular pulse, joint pain and difficulty sleeping.

For a couple of weeks during Christmas and New Year 2022/23, the woman and her dog stayed in another home with much lower radiation and no 5G within sight. Almost all symptoms disappeared, but they returned when she returned to her own apartment.

The dog also developed diarrhea. After walks, the dog showed a clear reluctance to go back to the radiation-exposed home.

Previous case studies

The first case study was published in January 2023 and the second case study by Lennart Hardell and Mona Nilsson in February. In contrast to the new study, the first two studied cases where 5G base stations were placed directly above homes or offices. In the first case, a large increase in microwave radiation was measured in the bedroom directly below the 5G antennas, compared to the pre-5G situation when 3G/4G equipment was in the same location. In both cases, the radiation after 5G installation was extremely high directly below the 5G antennas, more than 2 500 000 μW/m2 in the first case and 1 180 000 million μW/m2 in the second case. The extreme increase in microwave radiation caused severe microwave syndrome symptoms within a few days in the first case and clear microwave syndrome symptoms after some time in the second case. In both cases, the four study subjects had no health problems before the installation of 5G on the roof directly above them. In both cases, the roof was covered with roofing felt, which likely contributed to the high radiation levels.

After moving to homes/offices with significantly lower radiation and without 5G, all the people studied found that their symptoms disappeared quickly or within a few weeks.

5G can lead to serious health problems

– The studies show that 5G can lead to serious health problems in previously healthy people. It is notable that health is severely affected in people who previously tolerated 3G and 4G. Our results suggest that the high repetitive pulses of 5G radiation are particularly biologically active. It is unreasonable that people who suffer from ill health after 5G base stations are installed near their homes are forced to move. Enforced harmful radiation exposure is not compatible with a democratic society. Further expansion of 5G must be stopped, already installed 5G base stations must be dismantled and health risk studies must be carried out as soon as possible,” said Dr Lennart Hardell.

Microwave syndrome described decades ago

The microwave syndrome or microwave disease was already described in the 1960s and 1970s as an effect of prolonged exposure to microwave radiation at levels lower than the ICNIRP limits that are based only on immediate heating effects (thermal effects).

According to the former director in the Czechoslovakian Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Karel Marha, it was observed that people exposed in their occupation often developed a group of symptoms that in the 1970s were named the microwave syndrome: difficulty sleeping, daytime fatigue, memory problems, anxiety, headaches. A research review concluded that a surprisingly wide range of neurological and physiological responses can be expected to occur. The effects are mainly due to the impact on the functioning of the central nervous system.

These effects, observed over 50 years ago at levels below the ICNIRP limits, were mainly due to the modulation and pulse characteristics of the signal, which were considered more harmful than a continuous unmodulated signal.

It appears that the effects of radiation on the living organism are largely reversible and that the effects of repeated exposure are cumulative. Over time the organism becomes more aware of the effects of radiation. The biological activity is directly dependent on the intensity of the radiation, not only the average power but also the maximum power. A pulsed signal is therefore more biologically active than a continuous signal despite the same average power and the same frequency. Exposure to several frequencies simultaneously is biologically more effective and therefore more dangerous, according to Karel Marhá.

These factors are also not taken into account by the ICNIRP limits, which are based solely on the ability of the radiation to heat tissue in a short time (within 1 hour) and is verified by measuring the average value over a 6-minute period, regardless of whether the signal is modulated, pulsed or if there are many different frequencies at the same time. The ICNIRP limits thus lacks protection against these health effects, which have been described for several decades, but also against harmful long-term effects in the form of cancer and degenerative diseases.

Microwave syndrome has also been observed over the last 20 years in the vicinity of 2G or 3G base stations in many studies of health conditions in the vicinity of base stations and mobile phone masts. Most have studied increased incidence of symptoms of the microwave syndrome, but increased incidence of cancer and ALS has also been reported. A research review published in 2022 reported that a clear majority of published studies show an increased risk of ill health for residents in the vicinity of mobile phone masts and mobile phone base stations.



Hardell L, Nilsson M, Case Report: A 52-Year Healthy Woman Developed Severe Microwave Syndrome Shortly After Installation of a 5G Base Station Close to Her Apartment. Ann Clin Med Case Rep. 2023; V10(16): 1-10 Link

Nilsson M, Hardell L. Development of the Microwave Syndrome in Two Men Shortly after Installation of 5G on the Roof above their Office. Ann Clin Case Rep. 2023; 8: 2378 Link

Hardell L and Nilsson M (2023) Case Report: The Microwave Syndrome after Installation of 5G Emphasizes the Need for Protection from Radiofrequency Radiation. Ann Case Report. 8: 1112. DOI: 10.29011/2574-7754.101112 Link

5G Towers can make people sick, two studies show. Link

9 Leading Experts: RF Radiation Can Lead to Brain Damage, Alzheimer’s Link

Balmori A. Evidence for a health risk by RF on humans living around mobile phone base stations: From radiofrequency sickness to cancer. Environ Res. 2022 Nov;214(Pt 2):113851. doi: 10.1016/j.envres.2022.113851. Epub 2022 Jul 14. PMID: 35843283. Link