Seven case studies show that 5G is a health danger

Published 29 January 2024
- By Radiation Protection

During 2023 and January 2024, seven case studies have been published in scientific journals on the health effects of exposure to real 5G radiation from base stations. The studies, which appear to be the first in the world to study the health impacts of real 5G exposure, all show that 5G is harmful to human health. 5G causes significantly higher radiation exposure compared to previous generations of mobile phone technology.

The case studies were conducted in Sweden by Mona Nilsson from the Swedish Radiation Protection Foundation and Dr Lennart Hardell from the Swedish Research Foundation for Environment and Cancer. They have investigated the prevalence of symptoms that have been identified for 50 years as being caused by exposure to elevated levels of radiation similar to that emitted by 5G base stations. The symptoms have been called microwave syndrome or radiofrequency sickness and were discovered as early as the 1960s in studies of people exposed to microwaves/radiofrequency radiation at work. These symptoms have also been shown to be linked to exposure to mobile phone masts and base stations in studies of the health status of people living in the vicinity of base stations and mobile phone masts of previous generations of telecommunications, mainly 2G and 3G.

Overall, the first seven case studies showed that 5G increases people’s exposure to microwave radiation enormously and, in most cases, that 5G can cause very severe symptoms of microwave syndrome in a short time.

Summary of the seven case studies

  1. 5G on the roof directly above an apartment of a man and woman in their 60s. Measurements before and after the installation of 5G on the roof showed that 5G caused a massive increase in radiation in the apartment. Maximum measured radiation with 5G: over 2 500 000 μW/m2. 3G/4G was at the same position before the change to 5G. The people studied suffered from fatigue, difficulty sleeping, emotional impact, nosebleeds, increasing tinnitus, dizziness, followed by skin problems (burning sensation, tingling in the skin of the hands and arms), concentration problems, balance problems, impaired short-term memory, confusion, tendency to depression, heart and lung symptoms (palpitations, feeling of heaviness in the chest) and a feeling of warmth in the body. Symptoms became so severe within a couple of days after 5G was deployed that both moved out of the flat for good. Link to article
  2. 5G on the roof directly above studied offices where two men worked and stayed overnight. Maximum measured radiation from 5G: 1 180 000 μW/m2. Both men eventually developed typical symptoms of the microwave syndrome, mainly headache, joint pain, tinnitus, abnormal fatigue, sleep disturbances, burning skin, anxiety and concentration problems. The symptoms eventually disappeared after the two men left the office permanently for homes/offices with much lower radiation levels. Again, 3G/4G was available in the same location without the men experiencing major problems. Link to article.
  3. 5G base station 60 metres from the studied apartment where a woman in her 50s lived. The highest measured radiation on the balcony in the direction of the 5G base station: over 2,500,000 μW/m2. Inside the apartment, the highest was over 700,000 μW/m2. Within a couple of days, the woman developed symptoms of the microwave syndrome: headache, dizziness, balance and concentration problems, nausea, memory loss, confusion, fatigue, anxiety/anxiety, chest pressure, coughing, nosebleeds, skin problems, lung problems, high and irregular pulse, joint pain and difficulty sleeping. She chose to move out of the apartment after a short time due to the symptom’s severity. 3G/4G was available in the same location before as in previous case studies. Link to article.
  4. Two 5G base stations 50 and 70 metres from the studied apartment. Highest measured radiation in the apartment at the window closest to the 5G base stations: 1,200,000 μW/m2. Three persons within a family living in the apartment reported varying degrees of different symptoms included in the microwave syndrome. The most common were sleep problems, fatigue, concentration problems, impaired short-term memory and visual impairment. Link to article.
  5. 5G base station 20 metres from the studied apartment at the same height. Highest measured radiation: over 3,180,000 μW/m2. A man in his 40s quickly developed severe health symptoms typical of microwave syndrome: severe headaches, tingling and burning in the body, severe heart problems in the form of high and irregular pulse and pain in the heart area, impaired short-term memory, abnormal fatigue, sleep problems and a tendency to depression. After one week, the man was no longer able to live there due to the severity of his symptoms. Again, 3G/4G had been in a similar position for many years. 5G led to a dramatic deterioration in health. Link to article.
  6. 5G mast 24 metres high 125 metres from cottage rented by studied family consisting of two adults and three children aged 4-8 years. Measurement of radiation at the time of the stay is missing. Measurement two months later showed a maximum of 43 400 μW/m2. However, it can be reasonably assumed that the radiation was significantly higher during the family’s stay due to many more people spending their holiday in the area compared to when the measurement was made when the area was more or less empty. Within 24 hours, the family suffered severe symptoms typical of the microwave syndrome: All but one of the children had headaches. The mother had a high and irregular pulse, numbness in her hands and feet, and tingling in her body. The father had difficulty breathing and chest pressure. In addition to sleep problems and headaches, the children had stomach pains and diarrhoea (two children) and the third child had a skin rash. All symptoms disappeared after the family returned to the permanent residence with no 5G masts in the neighbourhood. 3G/4G had been available in the same location for several years without the family experiencing any health problems during previous stays. Link to article.
  7. 5G mast and 5G base station at a distance of 538 metres and 489 metres from a home where a couple in their 80s live. Maximum radiation measured in the home from the 5G masts: 166,700 μW/m2. Both studied persons developed different symptoms related to microwave syndrome to varying degrees after 5G was launched in the area. Link to article.

Summary of measured radiation

Studies 2 and 3 used a meter that could measure up to 2 500 000 μW/m2. The actual RF radiation may therefore have been considerably higher. Study 5 used a meter that could measure up to 3,180,000 μW/m2. In studies 1, 3, 5 and 6 the symptoms were very severe.

Below is a brief account of the measurement maximum peak results of the seven case studies:

Case study Placement 5G Distance 5G Max peak RF radiation
1 Above 5 m (roof) > 2 500 000
2 Above 2,8 m (roof) 1 180 000
3 Opposite 60 m (roof) > 2 500 000
4 Opposite 50 and 70 m (roof) 1 200 000
5 Opposite 20 m (roof) > 3 180 000
6 Opposite 125 m (mast)   43 400 (after stay)
7 Opposite 538 and 489 m (mast + roof) 166 700

Further reading

Summary of the seven case studies by Cindy Russel, MD, at Physicians for Safe Technology. Link