
The Swedish Radiation Protection Foundation

The Swedish Radiation Protection Foundation was started in 2012. We inform about health risks from exposure to microwave radiation from wireless technology and low frequency magnetic fields. Our work is mainly focused on informing the public and achieving better protection against harmful electromagnetic radiation, for humans and for the environment. Our information is based on science, recommendations from scientist’s and medical doctors as well as the recommendations in the resolution 1815 from the Council of Europe in 2011.

We also conduct research into health effects and radiation exposure in collaboration with Dr Lennart Hardell and the Environment and Cancer Research Foundation,  Sweden.

We are a non-profit fundraising foundation registred at and supervised by the Stockholm County Administrative Board. Our accounting and annual report is audited by an authorised auditor.

Contact us

You may contact us primarily via email at the following email adresses:





Our board

Mona Nilsson
Mona is co-founder and director of Swedish Radiation Protection Foundation. She is author of two books in Swedish on health risks with radiation from wireless technologies ”Mobiltelefonins hälsorisker” (2010) and ”Spelet om 3G” (2005). Before the launch of the Swedish Radiation Protection Foundation she was a free lance journalist investigating many aspects of the issue of health risks related to wireless technologies, such as conflicts of interests among experts at the WHO, the EU, ICNIRP and the Swedish govermental agencies.  In collaboration with Dr Lennart Hardell from the Environment and Cancer Research Foundation she has published a series of scientific articles, for instance several case studies on health effects from 5G. She holds a bachelor of science from the University of Uppsala.

Contact: mona@stralskyddsstiftelsen.se



Katharina Krusell

Katharina holds a Master of Science in technical biology from the University of Linköping. She has been working with enviromental issues at Swedish governmental agencies for over 20 years. Previously she also worked at the Institute for Technical Chemistry at the University of Hannover, Germany and at Jordforsk in Aas, Norway.



Malin Tornqvist

Malin is an IT-consultant and has a Master of Laws and a Bachelor of Economics. For over 20 years, she has been interested in the health effects of electromagnetic fields and microwaves from wireless technologies with a particular interest in methods to reduce exposure to harmful radiation and measurements of radiation in different environments.